Friday, February 27, 2009

Swim Bike Run!

That is the mantra these days, in addition to eat sleep read, in addition to a typical day in the life of a mother.  Over the past few months I have learned that I am a much happier Mama when I have gotten the training over with prior to picking up the kids...the days where I would hop on the spinner AFTER putting them to bed are long gone!  Most days, training is complete by noon which feels great! No more guilt-ridden evenings where I have a hard time falling asleep because I can't shake the guilt (cuz I skipped something I wasn't supposed to skip....) 
Days are like this:

Get them off to school
Swim/Bike/Run - 2 per day
Fuel, shower and nap if necessary!
Pick them up from school 
Homework & dinner
Kids to bed, Mama to the couch!  2 hours of stretching in front of the blessed television.
Sometimes a bit of blog reading, tri reading, etc etc.
zzzzz like a log, can't stay awake past 11pm these days.  Good news is I wake around 7am feeling ready for the day, and most importantly, EXCITED!

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