637/860 210/350 F 42/59 W3539 850 Cumming, Niki 638 6:35:01 421 39:48 2:00 746 7:09 501 46:57 707 3:21:43 27.7 673 4:08:39 817 5:49 684 4:14:27 599 2:20:35 6:42 638 6:35:01
Sunday, July 12, 2009
July 12, 2009 - Subaru Vancouver International Triathlon - Half Iron and Sprint

I managed to register for this event at the last minute, and barely. Lesson learned, if I'm yapping about a race, I should just register for the darn thing because I know I would have regretted not doing this race. After the high of Oliver, I really wanted to do the Vancouver Half Iron. Life got in the way, end-of-school madness and the like. I was all set to get the training back on track when I caught 'the cold'. 2 weeks of relative misery. So I did the Sprint instead. I really love sprints. All out, hold nothing back kind of race.
Swim - 400 m ?!?? I had far less heart pounding this time, did a lot of 'stroke-sight' for the first bit. and never really settled into a rhythm. Felt boxed in, seemed faster to do breast stroke even. Breathing never quite settled in either, lungs aren't quite up to snuff I guess. Time - 11:42
Bike - VROOM is how I felt. The weather was perfect, very little wind, not at all chilly, and not hot! I spent the majority of time tucked down into my tri bars which is a huge thing for me. I passed a lot of people not in their tri bars and every time I thought 'same speed or greater with less effort woohoo!' I realize that when I'm in a race I don't worry about cars as I obviously do when I'm out riding the roads. Organizers did a good job of traffic control to make it safer and faster for us. This was my best race yet; average speed was 29.3km (think of that big UBC hill for the first 4km!), average cadence 92, we won't talk about the avg HR (177!) as the lungs are working harder with the tail end of the cold. Time = 53:56 (26km)
Run - I basically tried to go as fast as I could the entire way. Walked one water station to catch my breath (HR was not below 185 for the first couple of km), had to stop to tie my laces at 2km mark, and just kept on pressing on. Only 2 people passed me on the run, and one of them was this girl named Kate Perry. She's in the 20-29 age group and I don't think she's 25 yet. Anyway, I've seen her on the past 3 triathlons, I beat her out of the water, and on the rides, but she has always caught me on the run right around the halfway mark. So I'm running along, thinking well, last night I told Chris that I was doing this mostly for practice (the cold), and who knew, maybe I'd surprise myself (adrenalin gets a lot done!). So after feeling pretty good on the bike, and managing my fastest pace yet, I'm thinking 'maybe I'll beat Kate Perry on this run and achieve some PR's along the way'. when I hear someone coming up behind me. At this point I had done all the passing and let's just say at that pace it's hard to not feel a little disappointed. And along comes Kate Perry. I can't help myself and say "You always pass me on the run!" she laughs and doesn't look back. "I even recognize your GAIT!" she laughs again, not looking back. sigh. Too funny though, because just as I thought she might be way back, I hear her footsteps and think crap, that's Kate. There was a cruel uphill portion in the trails, and a steep downhill shortly afterward, and after a couple more water stations I was near the finish. Saw Anna and Miller and Keegan (babysitter) waving away, Miller spotted me first. We had to run past finish and turn into the chute. Gotta love hearing the 'bee-bee-bee-beeeeep' across the mats and into the finish! Run time - 25:57 - pretty sure that it was 4.97km and not 5km. HR during the run, average about 180, max 197. oops - perhaps this is why I have a mild headache now. A couple times I thought I should maybe slow down and give the heart a break, but ...no. Running those short sprints is a good way to teach the body to say NO when the brain might be saying stop!
Overall very happy with this race, I give it a 10/10. I do think I would like to do a race sans children - to see what we all think. Anna wasn't thrilled to be there, and as a result things weren't so smooth between the kids. Plus I don't want to drag them into a sport and make them resent it and avoid it later. While I love seeing them throughout the race and at the finish, perhaps they don't need to attend every single race. Perhaps it will make them, and me, appreciate it all the more next time they do spectate.
160 46/121 F 18/50 F3039 1106 Niki Cumming 1:36:28 126 11:32 2:19 136 3:26 123 14:58 162 0:53:56 28.9 150 1:08:53 164 1:39 161 1:10:32 181 0:25:57 5:12 160 1:36:28
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Swim Coaching
I had my first coached session this week; I've been thinking about it since late winter (pre UBC tri) and finally got around to it, thanks to a friend on Facebook!
It went well, Joe is a very patient, likeable guy who explains things well and has reasonable rates.
Waiting to hear if I missed the registration for the Subaru Vancouver Sprint (Chris is doing the Half Iron) tomorrow. Yucky cold has kept the training at a bare minimum so if I do it, it'll be a training experience and not-so-much about achieving any time goals. But doing a tri just down the road from home doesn't happen often, so I figure why not. Altho, it's an early start, C is at 6:30. ouch.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Long time!
News.....I'm an Auntie! So excited. So happy for my brother and his wife. Very exciting to have new babe in the family!
Oliver is only 11 more sleeps....swimming in the wetsuit just gets better and better. Apparently I'm taking it too far in letting it dry out in the beautiful outdoors...things are looking a little 'ghetto' according to Chris. :0)
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Chilly BRRRR!
While I love cold weather running (I roast after about 5 minutes!), I did find myself fantasizing about running in a tank and running shorts...as opposed to insulated running tights, tank, jacket, mitts, toque....and not to mention how nice will it to be to breathe warm air and not have that dry cough after sudden intake of cold air into the lungs?!? Here's to the warm weather that is to come. In the meantime, onward we press with the training towards the Oliver Half Iron....
Sunday, March 8, 2009
UBC Tri finished!
Today Chris and I completed the Olymic and Sprint Tri, respectively. I've got a six year old excited to chat right now so will finish this post perhaps when they are in bed....which might be after I'm in bed!
Overall results:
149/335 5/20 F3539 2005 T Niki CUMMING 161 19:47 148 48:57 158 23:16 1:31:58.7 5
Age Group results:
5/19 F3539 2005 T Niki CUMMING 5 19:47 4 48:57 4 23:16 1:31:58.7
Very excited with my results, and very tired. I waited all evening for them to be posted and now I must rest!
Friday, March 6, 2009
Make that 10pm
My bedtime is getting earlier and earlier of late...to the point I'm looking at the clock at 8:30pm feeling like it's midnight. I cannot wait til I can wake early to daylight and start the day with a run! Who am I???
Friday, February 27, 2009
Swim Bike Run!
That is the mantra these days, in addition to eat sleep read, in addition to a typical day in the life of a mother. Over the past few months I have learned that I am a much happier Mama when I have gotten the training over with prior to picking up the kids...the days where I would hop on the spinner AFTER putting them to bed are long gone! Most days, training is complete by noon which feels great! No more guilt-ridden evenings where I have a hard time falling asleep because I can't shake the guilt (cuz I skipped something I wasn't supposed to skip....)
Days are like this:
Get them off to school
Swim/Bike/Run - 2 per day
Fuel, shower and nap if necessary!
Pick them up from school
Homework & dinner
Kids to bed, Mama to the couch! 2 hours of stretching in front of the blessed television.
Sometimes a bit of blog reading, tri reading, etc etc.
zzzzz like a log, can't stay awake past 11pm these days. Good news is I wake around 7am feeling ready for the day, and most importantly, EXCITED!
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